The Prince of Zeltros, The Future heir of the Throne and head of the Family Name. Bard Colin

If you had read my previous post this follows directly afterwards. We begun setting up for our first DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) Campaign. We all have some experience in some form, thankfully, so the set up takes no more than a half hour. We had LemyTheOrc as our healer/simpleton/heavy, Dave as our demon crazed warlock, a Saiyan monk, a half squid/horse rouge, Desh as our animal tamer, and, me, Colin the silver-tongued bard that enjoys getting others drunk.

We were all transported from our respective universes and landed not far from a tavern and a lake. We had all agreed to start at the lake with me persuading everyone so that we can enjoy ourselves before we visit the tavern. Not to seconds as we arrive LemyTheOrc, yes that is his first name, cannonballs into the water causing a monstrous wave. As it was racing ashore I rolled a natural 20 and rode the wave while everyone else was hit by it.

After the craziness of the lake I was dreading what was to become of the tavern when LemyTheOrc strolls into it. I decided to go ahead before anyone else got to it and gathered equipment/Ale for later use. We had learned from the owner that there is trouble in the forest beyond. A woman had entered days earlier and had not returned. Talking amongst ourselves with the information, LemyTheOrc decided to destroy the bar only to be stopped by the owner yelling at him, then for Dave to use a spell that shattered all of the glasses in the tavern. At that point we quickly ran before he attempted to take action against us.

Upon entering the forest we came upon two level 1 spiders. My first thought was, “Spiders? Can I get them drunk?”. Our DM said i could if the roll was high enough. Thankfully it was and from that we gained that now drunken spider as an ally.